Follow the Author

Sunday, October 28, 2012

I believe in God,,
I believe in friendship,,
I believe in love,,
I believe there are angels,
I accept there are demons..
I believe that miracles occur,
I believe in dreams,
I accept my nightmares.
I believe in beauty..
I believe in winning,
I accept my failures..
I believe marriages are made in heaven..
So I accept divorces..
I believe in myself..
I believe people learn, people grow, people change..
it's better to listen to your heart, because the mind will find it's reason, the heart will not.. 

Saturday, October 27, 2012

I am a person of HABIT,,
But eventually, I get HABITUATED to everything :-)
That's because I am person of HABIT :-P

Friday, October 26, 2012

Why is it so necessary to tell the person we love that we love them and make a mutual affectionate relationship? How often do we tell the person we hate that we hate them and make a mutual enmity??

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Don't be just heard, be listened to and understood!!
I love those who are jealous of me, and I love those more who emulate me,
for they are the ones who remind me I am better than them ;) \m/

Sunday, October 21, 2012

There's no place for words like "I should have" or "I shouldn't have" or "If Only"  in this tough damn world.
No blaming, No regretting.
Because we can't UNDO things that happened.
Just FACING the consequences of CHOICES made and DECISIONS taken becomes the WISE DECISION, the RIGHT CHOICE.

Monday, October 15, 2012

If someone cares for you ... Return the favour.. :)

If someone doesn't.. show them how to :) :) :P

Saturday, October 13, 2012


You never know when to give up on them..

you never know when they give up on you.

and you realize it only when they leave you feeling lonely

 and miserable..

Friday, October 12, 2012

I know you lied,

You know you did,

I am just waiting for you to accept the fact... :-P \m/

Monday, October 8, 2012

Some people just can't take a joke...

I am one of them :/

Saturday, October 6, 2012

what others CALL you.. doesn't DEFINE you..
what others SAY about you.. doesn't really MATTER
and what others THINK about you.. doesn't even COUNT    \m/